Faculty member’s book receives Italian translation

历史 Associate Professor Giusi Russo's new book “Women, 帝国, and Body Politics at the United Nations, 1946–1975,” has been translated into Italian and published 在意大利. Eric Devlin摄.

历史 Associate Professor Giusi Russo's new book “Women, 帝国, and Body Politics at the United Nations, 1946–1975,” has been translated into Italian and published 在意大利. Eric Devlin摄.

A Montgomery County Community College faculty member is celebrating the Italian translation 她的新书.

历史 副教授. Giusi Russo, a native of Siracusa, Italy, recently learned her book, “Women, 帝国, and Body Politics at the United Nations, 1946–1975,” would be published 在意大利 and translated in Italian.

Published earlier this year, the book, according to its 内布拉斯加州的新闻 synopsis, “tells the story of how women’s bodies were at the center of the international politics of women’s rights in the postwar period. Giusi Russo focuses on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and its multiple interactions with the colonial and postcolonial worlds, showing how—depending on the setting and the inquiry—liberal, imperial, and transnational feminisms could coexist.”

Dr. Russo was thrilled with the news, noting how happy she was that her book will 在意大利开始新生活. 

“The fact that my parents and friends will be able to read the words and make sense 它的. 这是不一样的. It’s myself and the College going internationally她说。. “That’s a reason of personal pride.”

The book, 她说, evolved from her dissertation, which she reformatted.

“I’m interested in the history of the body她说。. “What does the body do in terms 历史上的相遇? When I think about colonialism, I think about race, color, gender, class, and how it was expressed through the body and that contributed to a 压迫的历史.”

Dr. Russo has taught at the College since 2015 when she began as an instructor and rose to the role of associate professor. Before then, she was an instructor at various State University of New York locations. She holds a Graduate Certificate, Women’s Gender, and Sexuality Studies, from the 康涅狄格大学, a master’s degree in European Studies, 康涅狄格大学 and a Ph.D. in 历史 from SUNY Binghamton.

“I finished undergrad, and started my graduate career in the U.S.她说。. “在 a brief work experience in London, I did my master’s in international studies at the 康涅狄格大学. I wanted to study women’s history. 最好的节目之一 在纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校. After that, I started teaching at one of the SUNY Community Colleges in Syracuse, New York. Then I decided wanted to be near a big city.”

Syracuse, 她说, “has a temperature like the North Pole,” but she liked working at a community college and its mission. When she applied for a position at MCCC, she loved 蓝铃校园 and how welcoming it felt.

“The best part is my colleagues她说。. “There’s a strong, wonderful sense of 社区及支援.”

The College, 她说, paid for the completion of her book as part of faculty development, in addition to national and international conferences she’s attended in the past.

“The College has always been very supportive她说。.

Lianne Hartman, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, said Dr. 罗素是一个 integral part of the College.

博士的积极影响. Russo’s scholarship extends beyond the classroom, as Giusi has also assisted with academic policy development as a faculty member and as the current Chair of the Student Support Committee她说。. “Her historical interrogation of issues of agency and voice inform her equity-based approach to leading discussions 大学政策. We are fortunate to have her on the faculty.”

In preparation for the book’s publishing, Dr. Russo said she made sure to include her students in the process.

“I told them ‘I don’t want you to think what I teach and write about are disconnected,’” 她说. “In terms of the politics of works in favor of equality or equity, this is what I also bring to my classroom. I’m invested in these topics.”

Dr. Russo is currently working on her second book, “The Aesthetics of Third Worldism 在意大利, 1960s-1980s: Bodies, Spaces, and Oppression,” which, 她说, explores how the Italian left approached solidarity for decolonization and liberation in the 南半球.  


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